Life presents us with unexpected trials and tribulations, prompting us to reconsider how we perceive it.
I’m passionate about saying the things others are thinking but don’t know how to vocalize or are too afraid to voice. I want to know your story because each one of our journeys are so unique. No one has my exact set of experiences and that makes my voice and yours very valuable when we are brave enough to speak up knowing the great value they can lend to our community. We learn from one another, and when we meet others where they are at, free of bias and judgment, it opens us up to deeper connections and frees us to have more meaningful, lasting relationships. I have my own belief system, opinions, experiences, but simultaneously do not expect others to hold the same values or view them as a threat to mine, and I continue to learn about better ways to walk out my own faith from others sharing their own journeys.

Let me help you unlock your super power.

Step into brilliant purpose.
This beautiful anthology written with love and care by numerous co-authors, including me!
My World